Why Become a VANJ Sponsor?

VANJ is New Jersey’s largest regular forum for company owners, investors, bankers and service providers.  Since 1984, New Jersey’s entrepreneurial community has benefited from VANJ’s monthly networking luncheons.

You can be a VANJ sponsor.

With one annual cost of $1,000 you get:
•    Preregistration for our 11 monthly meetings each year
•    Free admission for a guest to join you at each meeting
•    No monthly forms to fill out, no monthly checks to write, no deadlines to meet, no lines to wait in
•    Free admission for someone else from your company if you can’t attend a meeting
•    Listing in the monthly attendance rosters
•    Listing in our Sponsor Directory distributed at meetings
•    Listing on the VANJ home page on the World Wide Web:  www.vanj.com
•    Option to have a link from VANJ (vanj.com)

Become a sponsor and join major corporations and the investment, accounting and legal firms that support our efforts to help New Jersey’s entrepreneurial community grow.

Become a sponsor and you don’t miss our upcoming speakers.

Become a sponsor today.  Just mail this reply form to VANJ at the address below.  Enclose your check for $1,000.

For more information about the benefits of annual sponsorships, please call:  Clara Stricchiola at 973-267-4200, Ext. 193.